Japanese initiative for education in pharmaceutical medicine and clinical research training
PharmaTrain, CLIC, CREDITS, JAPhMed, SMD, pharmaceutical medicine, learning management system, continuous educationAbstract
Development of new medicines has become increasingly difficult with less possibility of success in seeds-finding and ever rising operational costs. Failure to comply with ethical standards for human research protection also erodes social trust in clinical development. In order to develop competence of professionals in medicines development such as clinical investigators and drug development scientists, a variety of educational courses and training programs have been developed and executed worldwide. As Japan is no exception and shares the same concerns, significant governmental and non-governmental efforts have been made to invest in the development of academic educational courses and adherence to international standards. This article introduces examples of the adoption of technologies to realize a user-friendly and sustainable learning management as well as an adaptation of syllabuses and core curricula to meet international standards in the era of global medicines development.
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