The Oceanographic-Meteorological Interactions in the Indian Ocean Monsoon Region as Observed by Satellite


    Concepcion Costa Department of Ecology and Hydrology, and Regional Campus of International Excellence “Mare Nostrum”, University of Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain


Indian Ocean Monsoon Region, Satellite Observation, Oceanography, Meteorology, Interaction Relationship


This paper aims to explore the interaction between oceanography and meteorology in the Indian Ocean monsoon region as observed by satellites. Through the analysis of satellite remote sensing data and related observational data in the Indian Ocean monsoon region, it elaborates on the influence of the monsoon on oceanographic elements such as ocean circulation, temperature, and salinity, as well as the feedback effect of the ocean on the monsoon climate, revealing the complex interaction mechanism between the two. This provides an important basis for further understanding the climate system and ocean environmental changes in the Indian Ocean region.


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