Research Results as a Basis for Professionalization: Transfer and Practical Applications from the Point of View of ECEC Staff and Managers


    Katrin Lattner, Beatrice Rupprecht Institute of Pre-Primary and Primary Education, Leipzig University, Leipzig 3104109, Germany Institute of Pre-Primary and Primary Education, Leipzig University, Leipzig 3104109, Germany


ECEC setting, Transfer, Online survey, Research participation


The development of scientific expertise among professionals is increasingly being discussed in the context of academic qualifications, whereas little attention has been paid to professionalization through research results, especially in the context of participation in research projects by daycare center actors. However, this potentially can dissolve the boundaries between science and practice through research-related synergetic effects. Based on an online survey with N = 1,200 pedagogical specialists and managers, this article examines the benefits of participating in research and the transfer of science practices.


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